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All Download options show as print.php

0 votes
Whenever I try to click the download option I get a print.php that doesn't show anything in any format. I don't know if this is a glitch or if I'm just doing it wrong.
asked Nov 11, 2017 by Winter-Writer (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please try using a different web browser to see if you are able to download from that.
answered Nov 16, 2017 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,190 points)
Hmm I used a separate browser and it worked; but then I went to test the other browser (which is a google chrome browser) and it was working again as well. Only thing I can think is either an extension interfered (haven't removed my extensions) or there was a temporary issue that was resolved on it's own either on my end or the servers end. Thank you!