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Is it possible to split a family tree in two?

+1 vote
I would like to split my family tree into two and "remove" one of the parts and move it to a seperate tree/file. Is this possible, or do I have to manually re-add and delete everyone in the branch I want to remove?
asked Nov 9, 2017 by MeganStift (270 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I'm afraid it's not possible to split the family tree. You can export and import it to create a copy, which will save you having to re-add anyone - but you will still have to manually delete.
answered Nov 16, 2017 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
0 votes

You have to manually delete people, but you can split family trees - one of them will be the main family tree and the other one the sub family tree.

  1. Download the family tree.
  2. Copy the family tree to create the main and sub.
  3. Pick a "founder" of the sub family tree.
  4. Delete all family members on the main that will be on the sub, excluding the "founder".
  5. Remove all references on the "founder" that connect to the sub.
  6. Delete all family members on the sub that are on the main, excluding the "founder" of the sub.
  7. Remove all references on the "founder" that connect to the main.
  8. Upload both.
answered Jun 1, 2018 by Dr_Drastic01 (180 points)