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cannot upload additional photos - is there a limit?

+6 votes

When I try to add photos, I get the error message "An unexpected error occurred when uploading your image." Tried using different photos and different sizes of same photo, but doesn't seem to work. Is there a limit to the number of photos you can upload?

Thanks very much for your help.

asked Oct 31, 2017 by danadenson (230 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
I'm getting the same error myself. Had it start about three days ago. What about you, danadenson?
answered Nov 1, 2017 by digimonfrontier77 (200 points)
Me too, the same error happened, not letting me add photos to people. It's been going on for about 3-4 days now, since the system went down and came back.
I also have the same problem. I have only uploaded a handful of photos so far.
This problem happened to me 2 days ago, but I was able to upload photos yesterday. The problem's happened to me again today...
Same problem happens to me, and I also was able to upload latter one picture using my android tablet, but when I try to do that on PC yesterday, error message occure aggain: "An unexpected error occurred when uploading your image."
Please just some note from administrator if it some repair or maintaince bug or something temporarily...
same problem of adding pictures happened to me.
same here! haven't been able to add photos for about a week
Update: I can upload photos on at least one of my family trees, but the family I have for MLP still won't let me upload anything.
Same with me, the problem started happening today when I tried to upload an image for CMT Inc