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Reducing the width of a tree?

0 votes
At the top of my tree is my great great grandfather, who had 9 children  (My great grandfather was the 6th child). My great grandfather had 11 children, and my grandfather was in the middle. My tree includes all these children, but the focus is on my grandfather's children and their children. The tree puts the grandather's siblings outside of all later generations, and the great grandfather's siblings out further still. (I hope this is clear!) I'm not including any children of these siblings. So I'm ending up with a tree where the siblings of my great grandfather and of my grandfather are way out on the edge, much further out than anything beloww them. Is there a way to bring these siblings in closer to the main branch?
asked Aug 15, 2017 by davidjohnfamily (150 points)
edited Aug 15, 2017 by davidjohnfamily

1 Answer

0 votes
The family tree will look different depending on who you click on to be the centerpoint. This can be any family member on the tree, not just the person who familyecho refers to as "back to me" near the bottom of the screen. When you click on different family members, the familyecho will then only show family members who are blood related to that person or married to someone who is blood related, as well as any children any of these people might have.

So basically I would try clicking on different relatives to find the most streamlined family tree that you desire. Try older generation members first.
answered Aug 20, 2017 by thomasd31 (530 points)