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Is there any way to save a view?

0 votes
For example it would be good to save the view of "my ancestors" focusing on 'me', zero children, 20 parents, 0 other. Alternatively you may be interested in the imediate family of one of your ancestors and wish to reference it alot, or perhaps the descendants of a certain ancestor if you are trying to track down all your cousins.
asked Mar 12, 2015 by onegodoneloveoneway (480 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
At the moment it is not possible to save a view so that it is easy to return to, I'm afriad you just have to remember your settings. It is a good idea for a feature, which could also help to reproduce a chart that has been printed, and we will look into adding it to the site.
answered Mar 12, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,170 points)
selected Mar 12, 2015 by onegodoneloveoneway