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How can I print the finished tree as a banner that is legible current print is only visible under a microscope!!

+10 votes
I have printed once and it was miniscule i have a tree with 92 members including photos and i wanted to print this and gift it to family as xmas gifts.  Is there any way to take this to a printer to get printed as a banner??? An answer soonest would be appreciated
asked May 29, 2017 by nijjer449 (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
When you hit print, you can change the width and height
answered Jun 1, 2018 by barmanitan (400 points)
But that doesn't enlarge the font size.  How do I increase that?
How to Screenshot an Entire Webpage (including iframes)
1.    In Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + I to open the  developer menu
2.    Press the “Toggle Device Toolbar” button
3.    Set the screen size to something large (e.g. 7000 x 1000 for the family tree) and make sure the entire webpage is visible
a.    When you expand the image by increasing the pixel size, it moves down and to the right, so make sure the webpage is focused on the top left corner when you do this
4.    Press the “More Options” button and select “Capture Full Size Screenshot”
5.    To print, open in Paint Shop Pro, use page setup to format to fit across multiple pages, in Scaling: (i.e. 3 x 1 to print 3 pages wide)