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Some of the people I have added are not showing up in print preview

0 votes
After adding people to the family tree I click "Back to me"->Print->Print Preview. Some of the people that I have previosly added are not shown in the preview. Increasing paper size or width and height does not help. The missing people do show up when clicking a family member higher up the tree and clicking again Print->Print Preview.

How can I get a PDF that shows all the family members that I have added ?

Many thanks in advance for your help !
asked Mar 7, 2015 by TheRapKing10 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can't see all your family members because not all of your family members are related. I know that there IS a way for you to change this, but i'm not certain on how too. Your best bet would be to look at the settings on your print thing.
answered Mar 7, 2015 by johjoh (140 points)