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More than one current partner (polyamory)

+7 votes
I'm running into the problem of not being able to set more than one current partner. There are people in this family tree that are married to/in a relationship with more than one person at once. Could this be an option added to the website?

For precedent, in the Bible people often were married to more than one person at once. Or were in major and minor relationships (married to one person, but in relationships with other people outside that marriage).
asked Mar 5, 2017 by rebloom (250 points)

1 Answer

–10 votes
that option is now available
answered Apr 13, 2017 by Dragnoov (4,010 points) 2 flags
That option is available? I don't think it is, as one partner will always be shown as the main partner, and the other is automatically set to an "ex".I don't think that in the program, you can have more than one current partner.