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How can I export part of my family tree, and import another tree, both in family echo?

0 votes
I made a mistake in my family tree. Having two ancestors with the same first name, I added the wrong ancestor into a branch of my family tree. I then added several succeeding generations, correctly, I just have them generating from the wrong initial branch. Is there a way to export that branch of the family into another family tree? Also, in another family tree, I have several generations that belong in place of the "wrong" ancestor—person with the same first name. Is there a way to import that tree into my main tree.
asked Feb 9, 2017 by 3lkh16@aol.com (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You can create multiple family trees on familyecho.com.

My account<Create or import family.

Have a nice day.  :)

answered Feb 19, 2017 by dahurd (1,280 points)