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For premium/extra features in the future.

0 votes

Hello, this is Daniel.
I certainly wished that this FamilyEcho will make extreme features.
These are the future feaures that I want to apply them:

FamilyEcho Perks and Rank Permission:

*  An ability that allows you to change the white blackground theme into another blackground theme.
This perk is for all of the Rank Permissions: VIP to MVP+.

* An ability that can type timelines, as BC (Before Christ) and AD (After Death) timeline.
[P.S: For your imaginary family tree.]

This perk is only for three Rank Permissions: VIP+ to MVP+.

* For unlimited family members. (It will be denied, if the family tree's amounts were already unlimited.)
This perk is only for two Rank Permissions: MVP to MVP+.

* Show the age of your descandant/ancestor from the family tree key diagram.
This perk is for all of the Rank Permissions: VIP to MVP+.

* Can scroll your places that you typed without needing to retype it again.
This perk is for all of the Rank Permissions: VIP to MVP+.

For those premium features, it should get billed annually from every year.

For Non-Premium Features:


* More personal informations in "Biography" icon section, such as "Eye Color".




Those are the main things that I want to apply them in the future.

Thank you.

asked Feb 1, 2017 by Daniel_Walker (800 points)

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