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Is there a limited amounts for creating a family tree?

0 votes

Hello. I am Daniel.

I was new here for the first time, I've been wondering that this web, FamilyEcho,

have set amounts for creating my family members. Like 100 family members are the maximum numbers.

I only was here to create with this FT (Family Tree) just for imagination.

Please, let me know if there are the maximum amounts, it would appreciate me.

Thank you.

asked Jan 28, 2017 by Daniel_Walker (800 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
My tree is about 700 members, I think there are no limit of number of members. However, the tree limit is 15 generation only.
answered Feb 1, 2017 by ehabtm (770 points)
Thank you for answering this question to my assistance.
Now, I can perhaps to make my imaginary family tree unlimited.