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0 votes

 IN attempt to change "ME" acording to the instructions I received in "FAQ" I   lost  my whole tree (over 1200 people) I hope that in Family Echo I can recover  my tree


asked Jan 21, 2017 by amik (270 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
dont you have a backup !?

you could have exported your tree
answered Jan 23, 2017 by ehabtm (780 points)
Thank you "ehabtm" for your answer. The problem was solved by F.E and my tree "came back to me".
How do I create a backup that you offer
there is a click button marked download/export this family
Thank you very much-I do it
0 votes
I have the same problem. lost my tree. Can you help ?
answered Jan 25, 2017 by catherinerock (140 points)
The problem was solved by F.E and my tree "came back to me"
I ENTERD  "https://www.familyecho.com/?page=feedback" AND I DESCRIBED MY PROBLEM IN the frame. two day later igot mail tha the problem was solved
Thanks, I did just that a few days ago. Fortunately I was able to recover one family tree. I shared with myself as a test and I was able to recover from the email. If I ever get all back I will share each family tree in the account with myself