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Showing more than one field / deleting an ex-partner

0 votes
How do I show more than one field - e.g. life dates AND interests?

How do I delete an ex-partner? I did not want them on the chart, added initially to see how it would display ( but it's not clearly indicated that its an "ex")
asked Jan 19, 2017 by Ablesq (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

1. I think there is no possibility of it having more than one field. You only can show one field of it.

2. You can delete it by clicking the "ex-partner" and then click the "Change or delete" section. Finally, click the "Delete ex-partner of (name)" (example: "Delete ex-partner of Johnny") and you will receive a note that appears with "Are you sure you want to permanentlly delete Partner (or Ex-partner) of (name)?". Then clicked the "Confirm" button.

P.S: Hope that helps, if I mistake this answer for your question, I would try another chance to reply it. ~ Daniel

answered Feb 2, 2017 by Daniel_Walker (800 points)