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How to display Birthdates

0 votes
I've been a family echo user for quite a few years now.  I used to be able to display birthdates

along with the names but for the life of me I can't find the setting to change that.   would somoene

please point me to that setting?

BTW--I love that any changes are saved automatically!   thank you!
asked Dec 2, 2016 by FallenAnjel (150 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
Best answer
At the bottom of the tree there is a list box labeles "Show." You can select "Birth" to display birthdates, or "Death" to display death dates, or "Life dates" to display both.
answered Dec 3, 2016 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
selected Jan 12, 2017 by FallenAnjel