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Partners / Type: doesn't include "widow" or "widower", a common situation in the past, will this be added in the future?

+1 vote
521 views asked Mar 3, 2015 by Loom53 (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
When only one of the partners has passed away, in the "Partners" column he/she is referred to as late, meaning that the living partner is a widow or widower. Also, you can write tis information in the "biography" section. Hope that this helps.
answered Mar 3, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,500 points)
I accept what you say when one partner is living, but not very helpful for previous generations when none are living. If the marriage dates are known then the sequence of events is obvious but when no dates are available it appears as if one relative is married to two people !!!!!
You can write this information in the "biography" section so it doesn't cause confusion. I'm afraid this is all you can really do to differentiate marriages, besides dates.