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How do i put someone on the family tree that isin't related

0 votes
782 views asked Oct 17, 2016 by milesf (140 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
Can you be more specific? Why would you want to put an UNRELATED person into your family tree?
answered Oct 17, 2016 by DanUgrin (21,700 points)
It's for a butler
This question interests me as well.  I would like to add a step child to our family tree but do not see a feature or method to do so.
Adding a step-child would be easier since you would just put them under their parent who is now married to someone else. But someone that is non-related in any way. The only thing I can think to do would just have to be put under someone else either a "Child" or Ex-spouse" of someone on the tree. Then one can expand more in the persons bio.