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I typed the names in tree in Hindi language and it is showing good in the site. But in PDF it misspells.

0 votes
But when I saving it as a PDF, It misspells some names? How to get correct spelled PDF.
asked Oct 9, 2016 by sandeshagrawal (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you able to read other PDF files with these sorts of characters? If not, then you might need to upgrade your PDF reading software. If yes, I'm afraid it will be a shortcoming of the library we are using the generate the PDF files, and I'm not sure there will be much we can do about it.
answered Oct 11, 2016 by gidgreen (10,940 points)
Yes, I tried opening PDF in my Mobile, on Online Office platforms like Google and OneDrive. But same error occurred. Please do something it you can. I have to print that tree on a sheet. And that will only be possible it I have PDF.
For now your best bet could be to download the tree as a GEDCOM file, and then import it into another tool for printing. It's not something we can fix quickly.