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Can I share the link of my family to someone (without this person being a family member)?

0 votes
I would like to share the url of my family tree with friends who are not part of the family. Which URL should I give to them?


asked Sep 19, 2016 by bazzan (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, you can go to  share button  it's at the top on the right side. Click it then on the left side you’ll have the ability to send it via email. The To: box will have a name of a person on the tree you can just change that to the name of the person you sending it too.

Another option is to just copy the link which is located at the very bottom and send that link to the person.

Which link you sends depends if you want the person to be able to edit your tree. Seeing you just want to share the tree with friends who aren’t family they’d have no need/reason to edit the tree so you could send them the non-editable link.

You do this by clicking or unclicking the “Allow ??? to edit family.”
answered Sep 19, 2016 by jds1983 (7,260 points)