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Siblings that marry siblings link?

0 votes
I have a family history where, for example, Jill Smith and Jane Smith (sisters) married Bob Brown and John Brown (brothers), therefore becoming Jill Brown and Jane Brown.

Is there a way to make the link that shows Jill and Jane are sisters with marriage to Bob and John, as well as Bob and John being brothers?
asked Sep 16, 2016 by shazzatpm (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, there is both would  have to have their parents on the tree if they are on the tree right now but separate click on one of them. Let's say “Jill Brown” then click Add Parents. Then you go to “Jane Brown” and click Change or delete, Change Parents, Choose new parents from the family tree.
answered Sep 19, 2016 by jds1983 (7,260 points)