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How can I create a new tree from an existing family branch in the original tree without typing all of them again?

+1 vote
If there is a family branch that has growed too much and I want to create a separate tree for it, how can I do it without having to type all members from that branch again? My alternative was to export the entire tree, import it again with a new name and deleting the members of the other branches that were of no interest, but it takes too long.

Could it be possible to implement deleting one person on the tree and all of his descendants would also be deleted? With confirmation, of course. This would help a lot, because I had to delete one by one.

If I could suggest another implementation, the edit option for a family member could have the option to split the tree and create a new tree from that person with all his descendants already in the branch.

Thank you.
asked Jul 18, 2016 by robertoeick@yahoo.com.br (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I would like to see an answer for this question. I have a family branch that was linked improperly and I want to disconnect it however do not want to delete the members in the tree from each other. I want to disconnect the branch in tact and let it stand as itself.
answered Sep 30, 2016 by Redwoodhippie (330 points)