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How do I send my Family Tree to another person ?

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556 views asked Jun 19, 2016 by Fredchas69 (130 points)

2 Answers

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Step 1: go to the person you want to go to

Step 2: press "invite [person] to share family"
answered Jun 26, 2021 by thebentreeboy (810 points)
0 votes

When you click on any living person, there is a button on the left called "Invite <name> to share family". After you click that button, you can send them an email with the top half of the form, or copy a link that you can send to any number of people. There are a couple of things that you should be aware of:

  1. If you share the link "as is", it allows them to edit the family tree. You can turn that off by unchecking the "Allow <name> to edit family" checkbox.
  2. If you allow someone else to edit the family, there is no way to turn that permission off. Even if you delete the whole family tree, they will still have access to it. There's nothing wrong with that. But you should know that beofre you decide to grant someone edit rights.
  3. The link is specific to that person in as much as FamilyEcho assigns that person the "Back to me" link at the bottom of the screen. So you might want to pick a specific person in the family (first ancestor, grandmother, you, whatever makes sense in your context), make them alive (if necessary), and copy the link from them if you intend to share the link iwth multiple people.


answered Jun 27, 2021 by lsommerer (52,610 points)