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Connecting Intermarrying Family Lines

+1 vote
So my Dad's parents all had many brothers and sisters and the two families tended to marry each other.  I'd like to join these lines on my family tree, but can't figure out how to do it.  There doesn't seem to be a way to list as someone's partner, a person who is already on the tree.  Does anyone know how to do this?  Thank you!
asked May 31, 2016 by jrwarhawk (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Click on one of the people that you want to connect then click on the “Add Partner/ex” then click on “Partner with Person already on the tree”. It is just above Cancel.  Then you will need to scroll through and find the person you want them to be partnered up with. Then when that person is selected click either Add as Current partner or Add as ex-partner (in case of a divorce or breakup).
answered Jun 4, 2016 by jds1983 (7,260 points)
Hello, thank you for the response.  I did try that because I saw someone on here asked a similar question, but when I do it says that the connection cannot be made because it will split the tree somehow.  So I guess there is no other solution?  (What I've done is just duplicate the person but put a note in there that the full info is in the other family line.)