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how can i delete a duplicate person?

0 votes
2,521 views asked May 17, 2016 by washdup (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I want to delete a duplicate input but it won't allow me to as it will split the tree.
answered May 17, 2016 by kimberleykim (140 points)
0 votes

If you are seeing boxes marked 'Duplicate' they indicate that there are two different relationships between the person selected and the duplicated person. For this reason, you can't delete those boxes, but clicking on someone else may mean that they don't show. There is still only one set of information stored for each individual.

answered May 23, 2016 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,210 points)
I can't delete duplicate people and can see two sets of information for each person. One of the entries has a photo while the other doesn't
If they are not marked 'Duplicate' then you should be able to remove them using 'Change or Delete' in the left hand panel. Please note you can only do this if it doesn't split the tree in two, so start from the bottom of a branch.