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How can I print my whole family tree with all included, even if it takes more than one page width and/or length?

+6 votes
I have about 100 names and looking at them on screen just shows me lots of dotted lines going off at tangents that I can follow if I want to see that branch, but I'd like to make a print of the whole lot in one go, not least because I made a tree on another site once and now cannot retrieve it in any shape or form!
asked May 14, 2016 by peter.golding@live.com (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Me too! I need the whole family on one tree but cannot see how to do it! Help!!!
answered May 17, 2016 by Trudi1675 (140 points)
+4 votes
Just figuered it out... Make sure you are on the top generation name then it depends on how big you want it to print as to how many pages I did my large family with 237 names on 14 wide by 2 high and it took 28pages.
answered May 19, 2016 by Bacafamilytree2016 (220 points)
Number of pages
even with the top generation i can't see everyone?