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once I have finish with my family tree,what is the best way for my relatives view&download?

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334 views asked May 8, 2016 by gpmungham@gmail.com (160 points)

1 Answer

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Select the relative on the tree that you wish to give access. Then click on the [Share] button at the upper right of the page. You will then see on the left side of the page instructions to send that relative an email link to the tree. Fill in the blanks then click on [Send Email]. Alternately you can copy the tree's link and put it into your own email.
answered May 19, 2016 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
Does relative receive an "open" version of the family tree, which they then save with their own name and password?
They receive a link to your tree.  If you have given them edit permission and they set up their own account, then they can do anything you can do to the tree.  They could download the tree then upload it into a new tree under their account if they want a separate copy to work with.
I find the sharing email option does not work but using the link option the recipients appear to be free to alter, edit delete the tree.