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polygamy multiple marriages

+4 votes
Are you going to add something like that one person can ne married with more that one. multiple marriages/ polygamy
asked May 7, 2016 by Wolfferret (240 points)
edited May 7, 2016 by Wolfferret

1 Answer

–3 votes
You can already do that. Just click on the [Add partner/ex] button. Don't know if there is a limit but I have several relative with multiple marrages in my tree.
answered May 19, 2016 by DanUgrin (21,720 points)
I think the person maybe wants it to list them as being married at the same time. Bob Smith is married to both Sarah Smith and Elizabeth Smith.

As it is right now you can have someone connected to unlimited people as a "partner" but the tree will only show them as having one current partner.  In my example of Bob and his wife's Sarah and Elizabeth the tree would only list one as his wife the other would be reverted to ex-wife. Even though Bob is married to both of them and would prefer the tree list them both as being his spouses.