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Target new tab or new window when opening contact link

+1 vote
Hello again,

I've added a blog or website on certain people in my family tree and the target is opening in the right frame of your website.

That's not a big problem for me as it's possible to go to "View history..." to make the tree appear again. But some other people might get confused. I am wondering if you could not have the linked websites open in a new window or tab instead ?


asked Jan 6, 2015 by Flemmade (500 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Thanks for another good question.

If you look at the left-hand panel there is a 'Back to family tree' button that appears while you view the website. Once you go back to the family tee it changes to allow you to view the relative's website.

This method obviously isn't clear enough straight away, and we will look into your suggestion of opening the website in a different tab or window.

Thanks again!
answered Jan 7, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
selected Jan 7, 2015 by Flemmade