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How to add adoptive parents

+2 votes
My father was adopted by his biological aunt ( his father's sister). How can I input?
asked Apr 13, 2016 by tpete52 (160 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

0 votes
Right now there is no way to do that. You would just have to note in the biography section that his adoptiove Mother is ______ and she is is biologial paternal Aunt.

This is a question/topic that has come up a lot and is one of the more requsted ones. FamilyEcho said they might someday make it it possible that one could show a persons Adoptive/Biologoical parents at the same time. However, ight now its not possible, a person can either make a note in the persons bio secetion or make two seperate trest one for their gentic family/adoptive family. In your case your father being adopted by a gentic family memeber then noting in the bio secetion right now would be the easiest way.
answered Apr 14, 2016 by jds1983 (7,260 points)