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In a 'share' I allowed a relative to edit tree, can I disable that? They want to delete people.

+2 votes
I have a relative I shared with and had checked that they could edit the tree.  Now thay want to go in and delete people they don't want to show.   can I change that allow edit or am I stuck with it?
asked Apr 12, 2016 by DPC63 (270 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I'm afraid there is no way to revoke that permission, but you can download and save a copy of your family tree to your computer. If you do this as a GEDCOM or FamilyScript file then if necessary you can import it back into Family Echo, creating a new tree which no one else has access to.
answered Apr 28, 2016 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,190 points)