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Why am unable share second tree

0 votes

I shared the first tree I constructed successfuly, however due to the number of mistakes I made I deleted it then imported a new version (gedcom).

The tree works fine and looks good but whenever I try to share it says You cannot share the family with Iain Gibson. Please try clicking someone else on the tree.  No option even to copy the link as previously.

asked Apr 5, 2016 by I.Gibson@btinternet.com (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please check that the box for 'This person is living' is checked for the person that you want to share the family tree with. If it is and you are still getting this message, please comment below and we will check the problem.
answered Apr 8, 2016 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,170 points)
Brilliant. Thanks for the quick response. I Hadn't noticed that the program I exported from has randomly marked some people as deceased. More tinkering required by me there but straightforward.

Again, great program.
