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How do I connect two branches of a tree?

0 votes
Paul Prose and Mary M. had two children, both boys; Jacob and John Prose. Jacob and John are brothers. They had a child a piece. Jacob had Irene Prose. John had Mary Prose. Irene had a son, Charles Campbell. Mary had a daughter, Rebecca Jane Waddell. Charles married Rebecca and had children. How do I connect Jacob and John together as siblings? Im not sure what to do. Should I just have two branches ending with the same parents and just mark it in the bio?
asked Mar 6, 2016 by BolandCampbellLineage (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Assuming you don't have Jacob and John's parents on the tree you can go to one of them an add their parents. Then whichever ever one is not attached to their parents. Go to that person click "Change or Delete" Then click the  "Change Parents" then "Choose new Parents." then you scroll through until you get the parents you want.
answered Mar 7, 2016 by jds1983 (7,260 points)