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People sharing the same ancestor?

+1 vote
My tree goes back 20ish generations. I realized that the same couple appears twice in the tree; instead of a tree shape for the line it would theoretically come out looking more like a diamond. Is there any way I can merge the repeated people without redoing the whole tree? As I said it's about 20 generations and it's not feasible to go back and redo it all.
asked Feb 1, 2016 by bernadetteclarinet24 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It depends on the structure of your tree, but you'll have to redo a certain amount of it anyway. Eventually you'll start being able to 'Switch parents to X and Y' which will save time, but unfortunately there's not much else you can do.

On an unrelated note, is your username a BBT reference?
answered Feb 3, 2016 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
Thanks for your help! At this point, I'm just putting the people in the tree and writing "Common Ancestor; Follow ______'s Line." It would be too much work to fix everything at this point.

*Edit: I figured out you can change the parents of a person to other people in your tree, but it says that I can't change them because it would split my tree into pieces.*

And to answer your question, it's actually my name :) So no, but I have seen the show and think it's really cool that such an old name is being used in pop culture!
I'm glad you've fixed your problem! The tree-splitting thing is annoying, but you can work around it given time and attention to detail.

And yes, that is pretty cool!