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Automatically assigned gender

+6 votes

It's getting annoying to have the automatic gender of a female be male and vice versa. I do realise that, according to numerous surveys, the majority of the population is straight, but for a person on the family tree who has only had relationships with people of the same gender it would make sense for their significant others to not be assigned the opposite gender.

What I suggest is to not have a gender when a partner is created - the same way children and siblings aren't automatically assigned a gender. This leaves selecting the gender up to the person who is editing the tree.


asked Jan 23, 2016 by Bebbuxa@99 (360 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
You can always change the gender while naming the person. There's even an "other" option for genders.
answered Jan 23, 2016 by Kitti (390 points)
0 votes
I have found that recently, the program does not automatically assign the genders of partners anymore.  Try it now.
answered Mar 18, 2022 by PearsonsFamily (770 points)