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How can I permit others to add/edit the tree?

+3 votes
I thought that by clicking the 'Allow X to edit family' that they would be able to add/edit family members.  But my brother, who I'd like to allow as an additional editor, says he can only change his own personal information, but can't edit anyone else or add anyone.
asked Jan 22, 2016 by terrykavouras (150 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I am not able to make changes on my chart..I am trying to place everyone in order of birth from oldest to youngest. However by me being the person that started the tree puts me in front of my older siblings and this misses up our tree.


Please let me know how to change this.
answered Jan 23, 2016 by johnrodriguez (140 points)
If you put in date of birth for your siblings whey will show in order of oldest to youngest. This is unless you click on yourself or someone close to you, in which case the tree may be redrawn to show part of the family specific to you.
0 votes
The link you sent to your brother will allow him to immediately change his own personal information, without signing in to Family Echo. If he wants to save the family tree and make additional changes, then he needs to create his own Family Echo account. This way you will also see (in the history section) who has made changes to your family tree.
answered Jan 24, 2016 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
when they create their own account, how does the family tree get inputed into their new account?
They still need to use the link you sent them in order to save the family tree to their new account.