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How do I print it in one long enlarged family tree

0 votes
Hi - I have my family reunion coming up. At an office shop, I want to print the family tree in large size and on one very long sheet, so I can hang it up along the walls in our meeting room for everyone to see. But it seems like my only option on the print function is regular sized paper. And I'm not sure I can enlarge the people boxes and font. Suggestions?
asked Jan 14, 2016 by gwhitman (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I would suggest printing the tree out on normal sized paper, then taping the sheets together or using a pinboard to hold them in place. As far as printing it out larger goes, the best you can do is to use more sheets of paper, which will make the boxes all larger and more spread out.

Hope this helps!
answered Jan 15, 2016 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)