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Can I download a higher resolution family tree to use it as an illustration in my book "The Lukiest Boy in Germany"?

0 votes

How can I download a higher resolution image of my rather large (90 members, 5 generations) family tree; as I want to use it as an illustration in my autobiography "The Luckiest Boy in Germany" so the writing in each "person" is readable when the book is printed?  I have split the tree into five seperate figures (this is easy) so each bit of the tree is big enough to understand but the writing looks a bit fuzzy. Any suggestions welcome or can I manipulate it to make it better in Gimp or some other program.

Another way would be to download it in bits but can't see how to do this.

Thank you.

asked Jan 1, 2016 by huehns (280 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You could try downloading each of the bits of your family tree as a PDF file. This is scalable, so you should be able to print at a size that meets your requirements for your book.
answered Jan 5, 2016 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
0 votes

Hi, I know how to help you, I can recommend a scholarship essay writing service like this https://essaybison.com/scholarship-essay-writing-service/, where you will find solutions to all your problems and you can order an essay, dissertation or review, which will make your university studies much easier.


answered Oct 14, 2018 by GraceDuff (140 points)