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I need to use the tree in my autobiography but it has to be in higher definition to be useful.

0 votes
I want to use the tree as a figure in my autobiography but the download is quite low definition. I have divided the image ino four separate  pictures hoping that the names and birth and death dates can be read. So far I have not succeeded. Can I increase the definition; it would be better for me to be able to download the tree in another format so I don't have to convert it before openig it  in "Gimp" so that I can get rid of the unwanted large heading and foo (which will go into the figure legend). At the moment it is quite frustrating.

asked Dec 25, 2015 by huehns (280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
TRY TO USE A PROGRAM THAT INCREASE THE RESOLUTION OR photoshop (you can convert a PDF file to a JPG file)
answered Mar 19, 2016 by Dragnoov (4,020 points)