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can I print the whole family tree?

+8 votes
I need to print out the entire family tree for my son's school project.  Is there a way to do that?  I altered the settings at the bottom but it didn't change anything.

asked Dec 3, 2015 by settemo (200 points) 1 flag

5 Answers

0 votes
I don't have an aswer, but I really want to do that as well, if anyone ever finds out!
answered Dec 10, 2015 by marie.custeau (140 points)
I have the same issue. My tree goes up 77 generations and am willing to have it professionally printed. Kinko's said if I could get the entire thing into a PDF file that they could do it. I sent in a request using the Feedback forum but haven't heard back.
+4 votes

choose A4

choose no of pages: I need five for 5 generations and my mother has five sibs. then it appears as pdf and you just print the pages you need and leave the blank ones out obviously. If not eough pages repeat with more pages. Works well. but you get the tree in bits. if you want to join them you have to trim carefullully and then stick together. all done of Bob's your uncle as they say. Eady peasy. Even I could do it.
answered Dec 20, 2015 by huehns (280 points)
0 votes

I’m doing the same as advised here, but of course, I ran into other difficulties. And since my nephew had a similar school assignment about which he had informed about the day before delivery, I generally googled "what is the best essay writing service" in the hope that they would encounter not such tasks. After hopeless attempts to print, I began to read all the possible tips and reviews in the belief that we were not the only ones suffering from similar projects. Now I have tried the proposed method, and for smaller formats, it works fine.

answered Aug 16, 2019 by caseywhite (460 points)
–2 votes
Yes, you can, it`s so easy!
answered Feb 12, 2020 by Soogniny (180 points) 1 flag
+1 vote
How did you do it?)
answered Jan 15, 2021 by Wriight (160 points)
Select the top most branch in the tree and click on print tree. Do not change any option for pages then u can see entire tree in a single pdf