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remove the remove button

–2 votes
Hi there, can we [or can I as the 'administrator'] remove the ‘remove’ button when you first log in? This is because we have given out the password/access details to numerous family members to organically grow our family tree. This has been a great success and we have built up immense value from numerous contributors. However we run a huge risk of someone accidentally click on the remove key no doubt inadvertently, which would be a disaster.

Thank you, regards Mark
asked Nov 10, 2015 by SeabrookReunion2016 (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

In these circumstances, the best thing you can do is create a copy of your tree to protect it. You could download it as a Dynamic HTML file and keep it on your computer. Or you could download it as FamilyScript or GEDCOM which you can then import back into Family Echo, creating a new version of your tree which you could save to an account that no one has access to.

It may be better to share the family tree, but ask people to create their own accounts. That way, if they accidentally click 'Remove' it just removes the tree from their account, and not yours.
answered Nov 12, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)