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Can some extra features like these be added in the future?

+6 votes
Can features such as these be added in the future:

1. Changing the background

2. Colour-coding different people/families

3. Option to see their age at a given year (For example what age were they in 1995)

4. Ability to add adoptive parents

5. Ability to form photo albums for a person


Thank you and thank you for this website. It is wonderful!
asked Feb 5, 2015 by theweasleygirlwhoruledhogwarts (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

1. Changing the background - At the moment you can't change the background on Family Echo. You could create a PDF file with your family tree and then edit the background of that document.

4. Ability to add adoptive parents - I'm afraid that at the moment there is no way to do this. It is one of the most frequent requests we have for improving Family Echo, so hopefully it will be added in future.

5. Ability to form photo albums for a person - At the moment you can only add one photo for each relative on the tree. You could add a link in the Biographical section to a web page for people which includes more photos.

source: http://answers.familyecho.com/questions

answered Feb 10, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,550 points)