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Backing up Family Tree

0 votes
Hi there, apart from the download options how can you backp up our Family Tree in case something happens so that we can reestablish it as is with all the current details [links, structure, photos, details etc]


Thanks so much regards, Mark
asked Nov 2, 2015 by SeabrookReunion2016 (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I know you said 'apart from the download options,' but this really is the easiest way to back your tree up:

  1. On the family you want to back up, click on 'Download/export this family'.
  2. Select 'FamilyScript'.
  3. Click 'Download'.
  4. Save the file which downloads (I recommend in 'My Documents' or equivalent'). Make sure you give it a name you can easily recognise.
  5. Go to the account you want to export the tree to.
  6. Go to 'My Account', and click on 'Create or import new family'.
  7. Click on 'Import GEDCOM or FamilyScript'.
  8. Click 'Browse' and find the tree's file where you saved it.
  9. Click 'Import', and then 'Finish Import'.
  10. Save the tree on the new account (use the normal 'Save' button).
  11. You should then be able to use the tree as normal.

If you just want a backup copy of the tree, only do steps 1-4. Steps 5-11 will put the tree onto another account, where it will be accessible as usual.

Note that you can also export using GEDCOM, but I think it might be a bit trickier.

I hope this helps!


answered Nov 3, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)