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Reviewing the genealogie and saving to PDF-file

0 votes
I noticed there is only one layout to show "Descendants of".
Not only does this require many pages leaving a lot of empty space on the sheet, but also the font-size is very small.
I have seen genealogies that are more accessible to review
Is there any other smarter way to print/save to a PDF-file?
Does familyecho facilitate saving in different formats?
Is there a way to enlarge the font-size?
Look forward to a reaction from an expert.
Thanks in advance.
asked Oct 25, 2015 by mirodper (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I'm not sure about Family Echo supporting other ways to display the data, but you can easily export your tree to another site using the 'Download/export' function.

Hope this helps!
answered Jan 11, 2016 by p.mcallister (15,960 points)