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Problem with half brothers

0 votes
Please, excuse my bad english. I have a problem with two half-brothers. I will try to explain it. A woman married with a man, and they had a son. A few years later, the father died and the woman married with the brother of his dead husband, and they had another son. How i can connect the two brothers as husbands of the same woman?
asked Oct 13, 2015 by Churruca1868 (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Okay go the husband and click add parents new boxes will appear:  Mother of________    Father of ________ now you can add the deceased husbands brother. Then you can add the brother as a current spouse of widow. You’d go to add partner/ex then you go to Partner with person already on the tree then you just scroll until you find her.

You can go to the Partners tap and enter in information that the marriage between “Sally” and “Robert” was from marriage date until his passing the tree then list him as her late spouse. You can add date that "Sally" married "Robert's" brother "Daniel" and it will list "Daniel" as "Sally's" current spouse.
answered Oct 14, 2015 by jds1983 (7,260 points)
selected Mar 16, 2016 by Churruca1868