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How do I save my family ?

+2 votes
I created my tree but It will not let me save it even though I am logged into my account. I spent 4 hours creating it and researching that I really don't feel like starting over. If there is any way that I could copy it including all the details and the import back would be nice

, would be nice
asked Oct 13, 2015 by Mcollins211 (140 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

First, have you tried clicking on 'Save' in the top right-hand corner?

If you want to try saving your tree to your computer, follow these steps:

  1. On the family you want to back up, click on 'Download/export this family'.
  2. Select 'FamilyScript'.
  3. Click 'Download'.
  4. Save the file which downloads (I recommend in 'My Documents' or equivalent'). Make sure you give it a name you can easily recognise.
  5. Go to the account you want to export the tree to.
  6. Go to 'My Account', and click on 'Create or import new family'.
  7. Click on 'Import GEDCOM or FamilyScript'.
  8. Click 'Browse' and find the tree's file where you saved it.
  9. Click 'Import', and then 'Finish Import'.
  10. Save the tree on the new account (use the normal 'Save' button).
  11. You should then be able to use the tree as normal.

Steps 1-4 are fine if you just want a copy on your computer, but you can import it back into your account as a copy by following up to 11.

Hope this helps!

answered Oct 21, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
This helpful for the future. Thank you! But I already lost the people because I was not able to save before my computer shut down. If there is a way to get them back, that would be helpful
I started usig this from yesterday and getting this error today.

"the family could not be saved, please try again"

Is there a technical issue on the backend?
I also tried to logout and login and also tried from other user. Please help