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Display of names?

0 votes
It should be possible to show only the last name of people who have had only their last names entered. For example, if I only write the last name of Jane Smith's husband, it should appear only as "Smith" instead of "Partner of Jane Smith".

Also, it is annoying and insane to have "brother of brother of Jane Smith" instead of brother of 'Brother of Jane Smith" as many times as possible. I mean as long as their names haven't been registered in the sidebar, who cares which one is which? They are all brothers of Jane Smith. Plus, it should be son or daughter of parents of Jane Smith because "brother of brother of Jane Smith" only occurs when they are from the same parents anyway.


Could that be possible? Have I been clear or is this confusing?
asked Sep 18, 2015 by Alashfaaq (260 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
you can when you click it at the side a button shows up that says edit details and write in there name
answered Sep 19, 2015 by powerlee1984 (140 points)