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I have added a photo site - but it won't load

+2 votes
After adding a link to a photo site, it will not load. I have clicked on the hyperlink under the 'contact', but the site does not load.

I also tried adding it to the website field, but that will not load either.

I have tried urls for google photos, flickr and facebook.

None of the them will load.

Adding links to photos is essential - I will have to use something else if this won't work.

It would be better if I could just upload additional photos directly.

asked Sep 15, 2015 by Strangward (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The solution should be adding the link in the website field. Family Echo shows the site in an iframe in the right hand side of the page where the family tree usually is. It may be that the sites you are using do not allow their content to be viewed in an iframe on a different site.
answered Sep 20, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
however, .. the solution does not work.

Even after adding http://google.com , it will not load.

Can you change the function so that it does not load in an iframe, but loads in a separate tab/page?

Also - what are your suggestions for a photo site? It needs to be straightforward to create.

Even better would be the option to upload multiple photos - even simpler. You could limit the total stoage allowed, and also reduce the size of any large pictures uploaded (as many people probalby don't realise they may be uploading large images).
Thanks for your reply. I checked and the sites you mention do in fact not allow their content to be displayed in an iframe on a different site. I'm afraid I do not know of a photo site that will definitely work - it may be worth asking another question to see if another Family Echo user does.
We often get requests for multiple pictures (and documents) to be uploaded for each person, and will look into adding it in future updates to the site.