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How can I add any cousins of my father and mother

0 votes
I am making my family tree.

I need to add any cousins of my father and mother.

How can I make it?
asked Sep 13, 2015 by HF434592 (150 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Add in the parents and grandparents as well as the siblings and just leave them as the default name if you don't have a name for them, then insert the cousins as children of your grandparents's siblings.


For example, you can have

   Mother of mother of Mom + Father of Mother of Mom

         |                                                                      |

  Mother of Mom+Father of Mom               Daughter of Mother of Mom (Sister of Mother of Mom)

           |                                                                      |

         Mom+Dad                                               Child of Daughter of Mother of Mom (this the cousin you want to add)
answered Sep 14, 2015 by Gryoine (440 points)
selected Sep 14, 2015 by HF434592
Thank you so much for your answers.
I appreciate you.