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Hide the sidebar?

0 votes
I know how to hide the sidebar using the option below the tree. But I was wondering, since my tree is getting larger and longer, if it could be possible to hide the sidebar and then make it appear when you double-click on someone you want information on.

That would be great because I'd actually spend less time dragging the tree around to find the person I'm looking for, especially when there are duplicates of that person.


Since there is no search option, maybe that could a start?
asked Sep 9, 2015 by Alashfaaq (260 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks - it's a nice idea, and shouldn't be too hard to implement. We will look into getting it added to the site in future.
answered Sep 10, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)