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Who else sees my tree?

0 votes
Apart from the people I share it with, who else can see it?

I have some concerns because some people say that I shouldn't be making a tree for my fictional characters online because that will mess with the work of real genealogists.

If any other people can see them too for research, maybe there should be the option of stating that the tree is a fictional one?
asked Sep 8, 2015 by Alashfaaq (260 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes

Apart from yourself and anyone you share the tree with, nobody else is able to access, edit or view your tree. You should take good care of your login details, but apart from that there's nothing to worry about.

Don't worry, you're not the only person to create a fictional family tree (Game of Thrones is a favourite!).

Hope this helps!

answered Sep 8, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)