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How do I add special symbols?

0 votes
A large chunk of my grandma's family is from Lodz, in Poland. I want to spell this with all the correct symbols, but there is no key or key shortcut for adding these. This is really weird and it ticks me off when I can't add them because I'm picky and want history to be specific and not have people whining that I spelled 'Łódź' incorrectly.
asked Jan 17 by rocketmoore8 (7,390 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
In those cases, I just copy paste the exact spelling of whatever word it is. Bit tedious, but definitely the most practical get-around.
answered Jan 21 by AshGeneration (910 points)
selected Feb 5 by rocketmoore8
Thanks! I googled 'lodz' and it had the title next to a Google picture, listing 'Łódź' correctly and WITH symbols and accents. However, I also would really love special accents as a feature request.